Staffing & Recruiting Firms Professional Liability Insurance - Reporting a Claim, Complaint or Issue

(Errors & Omissions, Employment Practices Liability or General Liability)

Target placed all coverage for staffing firm clients with National Casualty Company (NCC), a subsidiary of Scottsdale Insurance Company. Please contact the company immediately if:

  • You have an issue that could result in a claim;
  • You receive a complaint from a regulatory agency (e.g., Equal Employment Opportunity);
  • You’ve been threatened with a lawsuit or notified about an actual lawsuit.

Typically, you’ll want to have at least the following information handy before you contact the insurance company:

  • Name of Insured
  • Address / Email Address
  • Policy Number
  • Name of Claimant (If other than Insured)
  • Date of Claim
  • Description of Claim
  • Additional information that may be pertinent to the claim

National Casualty and Scottsdale have built their outstanding reputation on fast, fair claim service. They make it easy to report claims or issues 24-7, every day of the year.


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