Tax Preparers Professional Liability Insurance Program : Managing Errors & Omissions Risks
Managing Errors & Omissions Risks
The Hartford recognizes the importance of helping manage risks associated with Errors & Omissions coverage. Their free, toll-free hotline is designed to provide that assistance. Policyholders are encouraged to call the hotline with questions about loss control, claims, ethical issues, etc.
HART-PRO Helpline
- 866-HART-PRO (866-427-8776)
- The hotline is staffed by legal professionals at Lewis, Brisbane, & Bisgaard, LLP. Conversations are not shared with Target or The Hartford, and calls do not have any impact on insurance premiums.
Risk Management tips for Tax Preparers
- As you head into this year’s tax season, you might appreciate some timely tips on how to avoid potential client conflicts and even lawsuits. Click here for our article on the importance of using an engagement letter.