Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Program: Monitor Liability Managers
Lawyers E & O
  • Please see Monitor’s customizable flyer, The Risk is Real, which describes three lawyers E & O claim examples:

    • Law Firm Exonerated But at a Hefty Price (Malicious Prosecution)
    • Homeowners Claim Bad Faith Complaint Not Filed in a Timely Manner (Legal Malpractice Error)
    • Former Clients Sue Firm with a Laundry List of Allegations (Negligence Breach of Contract and Fiduciary Duty)
Lawyers EPLI
  • Please see Monitor’s customizable flyer, Are You Protected from Employment Lawsuits?, which describes two lawyers EPLI claim examples:

    • Sexual Harassment
    • Failure to Promote Partner

    You can customize either flyer with your firm’s contact information for use with new or renewal marketing proposals.